Monday, June 29th, 2009 -- 9:30 AM
A five-division model which moves select private schools up one division for the WIAA boys and girls basketball tournaments will be one of two plans presented for discussion at WIAA area meetings coming this fall. But incoming WIAA executive director Dave Anderson cautioned last Thursday that the dialogue for the divisional placement of private schools in postseason play for basketball will not end there. The Board was reluctant on a 6-4 vote (with one absence) - authorized WIAA executive staff to present at this fall's area meetings proposals showing movement of certain private schools in four-division and five-division tournament models. The private schools being pegged for movement would be those located in school districts with more than one public high school. However, if a school ranks in the smallest 30 schools in their current division, it would be exempt from moving. Anderson said that will ultimately be up to the (schools) to provide clear feedback and direction to the Board (of Control) during the seven area meetings, which begin in September. He said "Our (schools) will be informed. But it will be important for them to be engaged at the area meetings on all the topics, but - maybe in particular - on this one."Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.