WIAA Considering Plan To Increase Postseason Opportunities for 11 Player Football
Saturday, December 3rd, 2022 -- 8:08 AM
The WIAA will soon consider a plan that would increase postseason opportunities for those teams that do not qualify for the regular playoffs, while also adding a consolation bracket to the regular 224-team, 11-player football tournament.
WisSports.net reports that the proposal comes out of the recent WIAA Football Coaches Advisory Committee meeting and has been sent to football coaches for review and feedback by the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association (WFCA).
Under the plan, all 11-player teams in the state would play a minimum of 11 games. The regular season would be unchanged, with no change in start date or the nine-game regular season maximum.
Conferences, conference games, playoff qualification, and regular season would remain the same. The 8-player postseason would not be impacted by this plan and would not be subject to the consolation bracket or pod-style setups.
The addition of a consolation bracket in each 8-team grouping would add a cumulative total of 84 postseason games for teams that participate in the regular playoffs. Another 140-150 games would be added in the pod-style postseason option for teams that do not qualify for the regular playoffs.
The entirety of this plan will continue through the WIAA's governing structure in the coming weeks, including the Sports Advisory Committee, Advisory Council (who can veto the proposal before it gets to the Board of Control), and if applicable to the WIAA Board of Control, which will meet to review football season regulation proposals on Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
**Complete story can be found here....https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1249857
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