Owen-Withee's Maki Has Died Of Cancer
Monday, January 30th, 2017 -- 1:51 PM
Owen-Withee’s Will Maki has died. His fight with osteo-sarcoma became public in the summer of 2015. He passed away at 4:25 this morning, three months shy of his 20th birthday.WDLB radio reports Maki and Marshfield Columbus basketball standout Ryan Dieringer were diagnosed in the same year with two rare forms of pediatric bone cancer. And while Ryan’s is in remission, Maki’s had persisted. Dieringer was diagnosed in April of 2015 with Ewing’s sarcoma.
The two communities had teamed up to conduct fundraisers last year for cancer research, and those efforts are continuing this basketball season, with a series of fundraisers at all Cloverbelt Conference schools. The last of those events will be held next Tuesday night, February 7th, when Owen-Withee plays at Marshfield Columbus in boys’ basketball.
The funds raised from the events is being split equally between the Marshfield Clinic Oncology Department and the Maki family.
To donate or to find out about future events, visit the Cloverbelt Conquers Cancer Facebook page.
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