2015 Nine-Day Gun Deer Season Opens Saturday
Thursday, November 19th, 2015 -- 9:58 AM
Wisconsin's nine-day gun deer season opens this Saturday, November 21, and state wildlife officials say if summertime observations and reports from the public are any indication, 2015 is shaping up to be a good deer hunting year in many areas across Wisconsin.According to a press release from the DNR, in 2014, hunters across the state adapted to a number of new deer management regulations. In 2015 the biggest change is hunters' deer registration is going entirely paperless, and can be completed by phone or over the Internet. Hunters can register deer online through gamereg.wi.gov or by phone at 1-844-426-3734.
"Registering your deer has never been easier," said DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp. "Hunters will also have the option of registering electronically at a participating in-person registration station or you can still go to any of your favorite spots after the hunt and register anywhere there's a phone or a computer with internet access." For a list of participating businesses in your area, search the DNR website for keywords "deer registration."
Wisconsin's four Deer Management Zones and Deer Management Units have not changed in 2015. DMUs follow county boundaries in most cases, and nine DMUs are split by zone boundaries. New for 2015, there are DMU and land type-specific antlerless permits to help more closely manage deer populations on each land type with the hope of enhancing the hunting experience on public land.
All hunters will receive a Farmland Zone Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag with the purchase of each deer hunting license (archer/crossbow and gun). This tag must be designated for use in a specific zone, DMU and land type (public access or private) at the time of issuance, or may be deferred until a later date with payment of a $2 convenience fee.
With each deer hunting license, hunters will receive one Buck Deer Carcass Tag valid statewide and one Farmland Zone Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag valid in the zone, county DMU, and land type (public access or private) of the buyer's choosing at time of license purchase. Farmland Zone tags may not be used in the Northern Forest or Central Forest zones, but bonus antlerless tags may be available in these zones. All Bonus Antlerless Deer Permits are zone, DMU and land-type specific. Bonus permits cost $12 for residents, $20 for nonresidents and $5 for youth (ages 10 and 11).
Bonus antlerless deer permits are valid only in the Zone, DMUs and land type (public access or private) indicated on the carcass tag. Tags are limited, including 13 counties in part or whole where zero will be available.
Twelve county DMUs, in whole or in part, are designated as buck-only units. All buck-only units are restricted to the Northern and Central Forest zones. Only the Buck Deer Carcass Tag issued with each deer license is valid in these DMUs, with some exceptions for youth, Class A and C disabled and military hunters.
For more information about the 2015 gun deer season, search the DNR website for keywords "deer."
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