Resch Center A Good Fit For Girls Tournament
Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 -- 10:57 AM
The Resch Center and the Green Bay area hosted the WIAA state girls basketball tournament for the first time last week and by all accounts did a good job.The ease of parking and the ease of getting to the arena were pluses. The arena, which holds about 10,000 for basketball, appeared to be a very good fit for the event. The initial response was favorable from the WIAA's perspective as well. WIAA executive director Dave Anderson said that he has only heard positive feedback. He also said it's pretty remarkable at how it all fell into place.
The Saturday afternoon session of the tournament, which featured three championship games, drew 9,122 fans, the largest session total for the tournament since the evening championship session of 2003. Overall 39,731 fans attended the event, which according to the Wisconsin State Journal was the event's largest draw since 2009 and about 9,400 more than attended the event last year.
In the coming weeks, the WIAA will gather feedback on the event as well as look at the financial numbers. The tournament will return to the Resch Center next year. The site for 2015 and beyond has not been determined.
A decision could be made before the tournament next year.
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