Greenwood School District has Excellent Scores in State Testing
Friday, March 30th, 2012 -- 10:12 AM
-The Greenwood School District board meeting was held yesterday evening.Many different items were discussed, but one item discussed was the resignation of Al Dallman, the boys? basketball coach. Superintendent Jennifer Voglar said, ?We did accept the resignation and we thanked Al for all his years of service and the time and effort he put into the basketball team.?
Miss Voglar also elaborated on the performance of the Greenwood students in state testing. Many of the elementary and high school grades did exceptionally well in reading, language, social studies, math and science. State testing showed that the Greenwood School District?s results were above average.
The fourth grade did extremely well and scored 100% in both reading and social studies.
Miss Voglar said, ?We are very proud of our students and the results they achieved. We also thanked them, the teachers, and community members for all the hard work they put in to make this possible.?
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