Blood Drive in Neillsville Huge Success
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 -- 11:49 AM
-The Red Cross Blood Drive collected 82 pints of life-saving blood on Monday.The Red Cross says that appreciation is extended to the many caring blood donors and volunteers within the community. Because of them the Blood Drive at the American Legion in Neillsville succeeded in collecting 82 pints of blood. This blood may help save the lives of over 246 patients.
Of those giving blood, several people have blood donation totals in the gallon amounts. Those individuals are Mike Hart, Larry Fitzmaurice, Jerry Schmitz, Jacob Ratsch, Sandy Hanuszczak, and Kenneth Krause.
The next Red Cross Bloodmobile visit to Neillsville will be at the American Legion Post 73 on Monday, May 21st.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.