Loyal High School Hosts District Band and Choir Festival
Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 -- 8:22 AM
-Music is in the air at the Loyal High School.Last night and tonight the Loyal High School is playing host to the District Concert Band and Choir Festival sanctioned by the Wisconsin Music Association. This concert is done every year and the different schools involved rotate hosting the event from year to year.
A total of six schools will be singing and playing different performances at the high school. The schools included are Loyal, Owen-Withee, Thorp, Neillsville, Colby, and Greenwood. The Loyal Band Director, Celia Sturzl said, ?The schools preform independently for 3 judges and then are critiqued on their performance and are given a rating on how they did.
Celia also said, ?We have been preparing for several weeks and are looking forward to the performance.?
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