Owen-Withee Math Team Excited for Nationals!
Monday, March 12th, 2012 -- 11:47 AM
-The Owen-Withee Math Team is excited for the Rube-Goldberg Machine Contest.The OW Math Team won at Regionals this past week and will now be competing against 13 other schools at Nationals in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Saturday.
The Math Team built a machine to pop a balloon, but they had to put as many steps into it as possible. Their machine uses 28 steps to pop the balloon. Rube-Goldberg is a well-known cartoonist that would draw complex machines to do simple tasks and the contest is based off of his work.
The design of the machine is based off of the movie ?How to Train Your Dragon,? as well as actual information regarding the life of Vikings.
Owen-Withee Math Teacher Marilyn Jaskot said ?we're very proud of the machine that we built. We're not Tech. Ed. Students.?
She also said that she is very proud of her math team.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.