Young Woman Shaves Head to Support Her Friend
Sunday, March 4th, 2012 -- 8:28 AM
-It all began with a small lump in Brianne Daniels' foot.What doctors thought to be benign, turned out to be undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, a rare cancer for an 11 year old. "Hardest thing I've ever been through when someone you love is going through that," said father Scott Daniels.
After undergoing a 16 hour surgery in Rochester, doctors removed 70 percent of her achilles tendon. Then after chemo and radiation therapy, her hair began to fall out. ?After that I had to have my foot above my heart for 4 months because if the blood would go to it, it could kill the flap or something,? said Brianna Daniels.
Through all the hardship, friends and family showed countless support, especially Brianna's best friend Libby, who's going to shave her head on Friday. She says she plans to donate her hair to Locks of Love.
"When Brie lost her hair I wanted to support her, but she's like you can raise money you can help other people,? said Libby Brand. "I think it?s awesome she's going to shave her head cause that means a lot," said Brianna Daniels.
At Delong Middle School, Libby will be shaving her head and it will take place in the cafeteria at about 2:00pm on Friday.
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