Weight Restrictions in Effect Soon
Thursday, March 1st, 2012 -- 8:26 AM
-Even though it doesn?t look like spring outside it soon will be and along with the blossoms and buds comes the seasonal weight restrictions.Contrary to popular belief, this annual ritual is not meant to trigger feelings of fear, anticipation, and helplessness within haulers, new homeowners, homebuilders, businesses, and the general population. Spring weight limits are necessary for the economic longevity and structural stability of our highways.
The Highway Department strongly encourages everyone to do their hauling while the roads are still frozen and strong. Starting March 5th, the restrictions will be in place and are as follows: 2 axles, 8 tons, 3 or more axles, 13 tons, and a combination vehicle, 18 tons.
Placement of signs will start at 7:00 am on March 5th and will remain in effect until the roads strengthen which depends on the weather.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.