Wis. National Guard Leader: Guard's Role is Changing
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 -- 11:27 AM
Since September 11, 2001, the role of the National Guard has changed, according to Major General Don Dunbar, the leader of the Wisconsin National Guard.During a stop in Neillsville Tuesday, Maj. Gen. Dunbar said we're in an era of ?perpetual conflict? that has forced a re-thinking of how the Guard and Reserve should be used.
Now, as Pres. Obama wraps up combat missions in Iraq, decision-makers are considering how to use the Guard in the future.
"It's very interesting," he says, "as we try to get our fiscal house in order, nationally, one of the things being discussed is keeping the National Guard and Reserve more operational."
"We're a heck of a lot cheaper to the taxpayer when we're not mobilized and doing our weekend training," he says.
Dunbar says many predicted the numerous deployments of guard members during the War on Terror would "break the Guard." It hasn't, Dunbar notes.
"They don't like going to combat," he cautions, "but our strength remains very strong and the quality of the National Guard today is off the chart."
"That's what's intriguing many of leaders: we have such a well-trained and ready National Guard and Reserve that it would be foolish to let that investment go to waste."
Since becoming Adjutant General of the Wisconsin Nation Guard, Maj. Gen. Dunbar has mobilized over 6,000 Soldiers and Airmen for combat operations and led the state through five declared Stafford Act emergencies.
Dunbar visited The Highground Veterans Memorial Park on Tuesday for a Department of Corrections Veterans Day ceremony.
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