Thursday, March 24th, 2011 -- 12:23 PM
As we start to move into the final quarter of the current school year, teachers are already starting to prepare for next year.An important step for Neillsville 4K teacher Jenny Buchholz is the annual 4-year-old Kindergarten Registration and Child Development Days, which is being held today and tomorrow.
"Today, we're screening children, looking at possible children to come into our program," Buchholz explains. "We're doing children from birth to age 4, so Birth to Three is also here looking for possible children to come into their program."
The screening starts with a simple observation of play. "Right now, we're just observing them play. How they interact with us, how they separate from their parents. If we have more concerns after that, we'll hand out more paperwork," Bucholz says.
"It's watching all their motor skills, their speech and language, motor skills."
Studies have shown that early detection and intervention can be crucial to help kids overcome a number of cognitive and physical problems.
Aside from the screening and registration, representatives from the county Public Health Department, UW-Extension and Connie?s Cids Daycare were also on hand offering information.
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