Friday, November 19th, 2010 -- 10:28 AM
We certainly don?t want to patronize our listeners, but we do want to remind folks to be safe in the woods. It should go without saying that you shouldn?t point a loaded firearm somewhere, unless you?re sure of your target, but you also should know your physical limitations.Every year we report on people that get hurt, or killed, falling from their tree stands or suffering heart attacks.
"Each deer season, more people are injured by falling from their tree stand or crashing their ATV than anything else," explains DNR Warden Adam Hanna. "Most people hunt from a tree stand. Use a safety strap. Use a rope to bring your bow or your gun up while climbing your tree."
And then there?s the physical exertion. Many hunters don?t get much exercise during the year, and then trudge through fields and woods. Should they be lucky enough to get a buck or doe, many take it upon themselves to drag it.
"Don't be afraid, if you're out of shape, to stand on a post and have other people drag your deer out, if you can," Hanna urges. "It's easy to get excited and think you're still as strong as you were ten years ago, but you have to be a little more realistic than that. We have people have heart attacks every year."
Last year, Clark County maintained its spot as the top county for gun deer registrations with a total of 8,609 deer registered. There wasn't a single hunting accident reported, Hanna says.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.