Thursday, January 7th, 2010 -- 12:02 PM
A fledgling company was able to navigate a difficult 2009, and is bearish about the new year.Fabricating Specialists, a subsidiary of Mayville Engineering, currently has about 14 full-time employees at their facility in the Neillsville industrial park.
"We're one of the preferred suppliers for most of our customers," explains Bob Kamphuis, CEO of Mayville Engineering, "and when times are tough, the preferred suppliers who have a strong balance sheet, continue to gain business."
Products being produced in Neillsville go to a number of well known companies, like John Deere, Oshkosh Truck, Cummins and Harley Davidison, just to name a few.
"Neillsville is doing formed tube products. Tubes that are used for air-handling, hydraulic tubing and structural tubing. The structural tubing goes into our fabricated products here in Mayville," he says.
Fabricating Specialists spent a good part of 2009 just getting off the ground. Kamphuis expects employment growth this year.
"They were very successful in some projects that will be hitting in the latter part of 2010. I think their employment growth will be sort of a stair-step approach, but I see them getting up to as many as 40 employees in the next year," he says.
They currently run one shift. If they get up to 40 employees, Kamphuis expects another shift will be added.
The City of Neillsville has invested $275,000 in the company. $150,000 came from the Listeman Foundation.
The agreement with Fabricating Specialists requires them to hire 62 workers within three years and keep those workers for five years.
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