Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 -- 11:05 AM
County officials are preparing for any further outbreak of H1N1 virus now that school?s back in session."Now that schools back in session, kids are in closer contact, and germs just spread a lot easier in the school setting," says Megan Reis, the acting director of the Clark County Department of Public Health.
She says the Swine Flu hasn?t morphed much over the summer. It?s still a fairly mild strain of the flu.
"It's pretty much all upper respiratory symptoms, so a runny nose, a cough, a fever, sore throat, chills, fatigue," she explains.
Schools are in constant contact with health officials to try to identify potential outbreaks.
"Once a week, the schools will either fax or email us a reports...with the number of students absent that day. They're supposed to keep track of if it's a flu-like illness, or if they're just plain gone for another reason," she says.
To date, Clark County is still one of the very few counties that has not had a confirmed case of Swine Flu.
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