Colby Student Will be Recognized During Upcoming Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention
Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 -- 10:04 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) A number of students will be recognized during the upcoming Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention in 2021.
According to the Wisconsin Ag Connection, the event, which has been postponed until spring, will commence with numerous activities like a dairy bowl contest and dairy jeopardy, as well as a contest room with arts and crafts, advertising, county scrapbook, and photography contests.
Junior members also have the opportunity to participate in prepared speaking contests and a dairy promotion contest. In addition to participating in these activities, junior members will be recognized for their achievements throughout 2020.
Acknowledgment is given to those receiving 12 and under, Younger Member, and Distinguished Member recognition, and a new Outstanding Boy and Girl will be named. One local student being recognized for 12 & Under Award is Ella Raatz of Colby.
A number of older students will earn Distinguished Junior Members honors this year. Their names will be released in January. Meanwhile, a new Wisconsin Holstein Princess and Attendant will also be named during the convention.
The Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association strives to positively influence young people by recognizing and congratulating their achievements and accomplishments in the industry.
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