Thursday, June 4th, 2009 -- 10:42 AM
The local Social Services department is reminding area residents that a new state health care benefit is about to go into effect.Marianne Schock with Clark County Social Services says the [url=]BadgerCare-Plus Core Plan for Childless Adults[/url] will provide access to basic health care services, including primary and preventive care and some generic drugs to low-income individuals.
"I think it's a very good program," says Marianne Schock with Clark County Social Services, "it's going to provide that health care coverage to a lot of individuals who are not disabled, not elderly, not blind, don't have children--they'll be eligible."
Just as with BadgerCare, there are eligibility requirements. For instance, only individuals making less than 200% of the federal poverty limit and that have no access to private health insurance will be eligible for the Core Plan.
Schock says the state is handling the sign-ups.
"There's only two ways to apply: they can go [url=]on-line[/url] and apply, or call 1-800-291-2002."
The sign-up period begins June 15th.
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