Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 -- 2:01 PM
Meteorologists in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois were confused Tuesday when their radar spotted two huge circles? they expanded and eventually dissipated.For lack of a better description, they looked kind of like smoke rings.
But it's not smokers or UFOs. It's some kind of bird taking flight at sunrise, most likely geese - they think.
Sullivan-based forecasters have posted radar images from Tuesday's flock on a Web site, recorded over a 20-minute period. Radar stations in La Crosse and Green Bay didn't record similar images, but the station in Davenport, Iowa did.
Forecasters in other areas of the country have seen bats launching from their caves, insect swarms and even smoke from large fires.
[url=http://www.crh.noaa.gov/news/display_cmsstory.php?wfo=mkx&storyid=18355&source=0]NWS Radar[/url]
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