Neillsville City Council Approves Director of Public Works to Advertise for Different Bids and More
Thursday, March 13th, 2025 -- 10:00 AM

The Neillsville City Council approved the Director of Public Works to advertise for bids at their meeting on Tuesday.
The Council approved the Director to advertise for bids on logs from tree removals on an on-going basis and to advertise for vehicle fuel bids. Brittany Mews, Clark County Health Department Health Officer/Director, introduced herself and asked for the City’s consideration in adoption of the Clark County’s Hemp-Derived Cannabinoid Ordinance.
Mews gave a background on hemp, highlights of the ordinance, and the benefits for the City to mirror and adopt the County ordinance. A flyer on Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC, a copy of the Clark County ordinance, a letter the County sent to Clark County retailers notifying them of the new countywide ordinance and Clark County Health Department’s AODA webpage were provided to the Council.
Chief of Police Jim Mankowski stated that the City doesn’t have the authority to enforce the County ordinance. In order for the City to enforce it, they have to adopt their own ordinance.
The Council approved forwarding the Clark County Hemp-Derived Cannabinoid ordinance to the City Attorney to draft a City ordinance for the Council’s review.
The Council also had another request to keep chickens in the City. The request asked to keep four (4) chickens at 217 Sunset Place. They have a double lot, which is a total of 0.44 acres. Council Member Dan Clough stated that it is a large corner lot, with the Arboretum across the street and only two neighbors.
The Council granted permission for 217 Sunset Place to have up to four (4) chickens, no roosters, subject to review if complaints are received or an excess number of animals occur.
During the meeting, newly appointed Clark County Sheriff Kerry Kirn introduced himself. He started part-time with Clark County in July, 1991 and worked his way up. He was appointed Clark County Sheriff by Governor Evers effective January 1, 2025. Discussion followed on collaboration and a good working relationship between the Sheriff’s Department and the City Police Department.
Chief of Police Mankowski reported on:
- Training,
- Part-time personnel,
- The purchase of squad car computers,
- The need for a strategic long term plan for equipment replacement,
- Squad car maintenance,
- February parking enforcements,
- Citations,
- Warnings,
- Office activity,
- Calls for service,
- Officer activities,
- Business patrols,
- And Town of Mentor contract policing.
He also reported that Police Officer Halle Fecker has now completed her probation period and now welcomes her as a regular officer.
City Clerk Rex Roehl reported on an email from the Wisconsin Department of Administration regarding the discontinuation of the Local Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Housing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and notice that State Representative Karen Hurd will be holding In-District office hours on March 17, 2025 at the Loyal City Hall.
The Council also heard the various Committee Reports from the past couple weeks. Council Member Barb Petkovsek reported on the February 25, 2025 meeting of the Grants Committee regarding:
- Reviewing and updating the list of grants in progress.
Council Member Petkovsek reported on the March 3, 2025 meeting of the Personnel Committee regarding:
- A closed session on Public Works Department performance evaluation,
- Reconvening into open session,
- Discussion on employee job descriptions and applying for a Wisconsin Department of Revenue 2024 Innovative Planning Grant –Jay Shambeau and Jesse Wildes, Innovative Public Advisors, will help with the grant submission process at no cost, if the grant is awarded, then they would be retained to conduct a study of the City’s Police, Public Works and municipal staff at a cost of $23,500,
- And a discussion on the City’s pay schedule, the Public Works step program, etc.
Council Member Clough reported on the March 11, 2025 meeting of the Commission on Public Works/Utilities regarding:
- Current activities,
- Discussion on and recommendation to authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for bids on logs from tree removals on an on-going basis,
- And discussion on and recommendation to authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for vehicle fuel bids.
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