UW System President Introduces 2025-27 Budget Request
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 -- 10:00 AM
(Bob Hague, Wisconsin Radio Network) The UW system President introduces his 25-27 budget request
According to Bob Hague with the Wisconsin Radio Network, Jay Rothman says his 2025-27 budget proposal would allow the UW System to shed its ranking of 43rd among 50 states in public funding and reach the national median.
Rothman says it will take an additional $457 million annually to achieve that. Features of the proposed budget include extending the Wisconsin Tuition Program to students from families earning up to $71,000 annually, five and three percent general wage increases for faculty and staff and emphasizing talent development.
Rothman said he would not recommend tuition increases over the period covered by the biennial budget.
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