Greenwood School Board Discusses Recent Virtual Learning Period
Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 -- 10:11 AM
-The Greenwood School Board received an update on the complete virtual learning period that was recently held at the district.
The virtual learning period was from November 23rd to December 4th. It went very well and a very high number of students were logging-in and participating. The board also reviewed the possible E-learning dates for the second semester and they will revisit this issue at the January board meeting.
The board also approved starting the winter break for students on Wednesday, December 23rd. This day was an early release initially, but will now be a full day off for students. The board also approved the 2020-2021 School Calendar. The board also reaffirmed that building use requests will be evaluated on a monthly basis and the focus will continue to be on those events which support students and children.
The board also reaffirmed the Spectator Guidelines for winter sporting events. The board also received an update on the 2020-2021 budget and approved the CESA 10 Natural Gas Consortium agreement.
The board also approved the second reading of several policies, received the 2021 WASB Convention Resolutions for review, received an update on the district Crystal Apple Teachers of Distinction process, and received an update on the WERC CPI projections in preparations for salary and wage discussions in spring.
In employment matters, the board approved Nolan Mattson as a substitute teacher/support staff, Brooke Hinker and substitute support staff, and Darla Abel as a long-term substitute teacher. The board also approved five volunteers. The board received an update on the Annual Santa Project. So far, the district is receiving many donations for the project and a complete list of donors will be presented at the January meeting.
During the “communication from the public” portion of the meeting, one community member inquired if the district has thought about administering Covid-19 tests to students. Another community member expressed concerns regarding “mixed messages” received regarding why a recognition assembly was not held.
That individual also expressed concerns for continuing and long term effects of Covid-19 and the changes in usual routines and traditions on student mental health. The board also heard some Committee Reports. Board member Mark Shain provided an update from CESA 10.
The Building and Grounds Committee discussed PPE/Cleaning procedures, winter weather preparations, any general maintenance concerns, and began the review and revision of the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan. Finally, the Co-Curriculars Committee discussed the 8-player football transition and reviewed the current state of their athletic programs.
Finally, the board heard the Administrators’ Reports. Elementary Principal Joe Green provided a technology update, in which the district will be switching 4K students, and possibly 5K eventually, to iPads in January. The iPads are a better fit for the youngest students as they provide more learning opportunities and greater ease of operation for younger students.
Also, the 50th Anniversary of the opening of Greenwood Elementary School is January 6th of 2021. Covid-19 aware and appropriate recognition and celebration activities are being planned. And a third ARC reading unit was ordered for their 9th grade ELA class.
District Administrator Todd Felhofer provided a political update. The Governor’s mask order was extended into January and a case is still pending in the WI Supreme Court seeking to end the mask order. Covid-19 legislation has been introduced in the Assembly. As written most of this bill will provide little relief for schools. In fact, the legislation is not very friendly to schools at all.
The state Senate does not plan to convene until sometime in January 2021. Also, the next budget is likely to be a difficult one as the projected state budget shortfall is $1.5-$2 billion. The WASB Convention will be virtual and the registration information has been posted. The district has also entered into a MOU with the Clark County Health Department to use district facilities for immunization clinics if needed.
The first quarter D and F Report was shared with the board and the block schedule study group has sent off a survey to students, parents, and staff. This information will be used to help determine whether a change in the high school schedule will be made.
Finally, an update on the changes in County Health Department Covid-19 quarantine protocols was presented. The board ended the meeting by adjourning into Executive Session to discuss the District Administrator’s Evaluation.
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