Clark County Health Department Names 2023 "Friend of Public Health"
Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 -- 3:00 PM
Public health protects and improves the health of entire populations in our community through a variety of strategies.
Populations can be as small as a family or as large as an entire county. Public health connects all of us. We are all impacted by the health of our community members.
A healthy county can only be achieved through the support, partnerships, and involvement of its residents, faith-based organizations, elected officials, businesses, coalitions, healthcare organizations, schools, etc.
It is the mission of the Clark County Health Department (CCHD) to promote health, prevent disease, and protect community members through partnerships and population-based services.
Each year, during the first week of April, the American Public Health Association invites communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week.
It is a time to recognize the contributions of public health, raise awareness about public health and prevention, and highlight issues important to improving our nation’s health.
In support of public health week, the CCHD recognizes individuals and/or organizations as recipients of the “Friend of Public Health” award. This year, the CCHD is proud to recognize Clark County Forestry and Parks for their contributions to public health and prevention.
They have played a vital role the last several years, but especially in 2023, in working with the Health Department to implement various injury prevention, safety, and information signs at area parks, campgrounds, and trails.
The Forestry and Parks department has always been an eager partner of the CCHD in helping implement various health and wellness, safety, and injury prevention initiatives. In 2022, Forestry and Parks helped distribute weather radios and tick kits to local campgrounds.
Forestry and Parks also helped name locations of various “Kids Don’t Float” stations, gave contact information to state DNR resources, and worked with a local Rod and Gun Club to implement a new station at Rock Dam beach.
Algae Bloom signs were implemented at local beaches to caution beachgoers of harmful algae in the water and what to look for. “Know Before You Go” signs will be implemented this spring at trail heads and busy intersections on Clark County’s extensive ATV trail system.
These signs have important safety information, as well as Wisconsin laws to help keep riders safe on our trails. The CCHD would also like to thank all of the organizations, coalitions, and community members who have contributed to promoting health in Clark County.
To learn more about public health, contact the CCHD at (715) 743-5105, visit our website at, or follow us on Facebook at
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.