Neillsville School Board's Regular Monthly Meeting and Annual Meeting
Friday, October 27th, 2023 -- 12:01 PM
The Neillsville School Board had three meetings on Monday evening.
During the regular meeting, Jenny Polacek from Wendel Companies, and Building and Grounds Director Mark Spencer, presented a building projects update. The Board also approved the Achievement Gap Reduction plan as presented. The Board also approved the library plan for 2023-2026 as presented and approved two early graduation requests.
The Board also approved a few donations including the hygiene kit donation from Atmus Filtration Technologies as presented, approved a $200 monetary donation from Simplicity Credit Union as presented, approved the donation of school supplies from Natalie Guzman as presented. In employment matters, the Board approved the resignation of Duane King from his middle school basketball coaching position as presented.
They also approved the hiring, as presented, of Blake Krause for a custodial position, Melissa Strangfeld for the prom advisor position, Adam Kren for the middle school basketball coaching position, Kenny Friemoth for the co-assistant wrestling coach position, and Carl Opelt for the co-assistant wrestling coach position.
The Board also heard the Administrators’ Reports. Elementary Principal Marcy Kunze reported on:
- Attendance;
- Monthly character trait;
- State elementary principal convention;
- Field trips;
- Data meetings;
- And walk-to-school day.
Middle School Principal Kory Poeschel reported on:
- Attendance;
- Climate/culture;
- 7th grade guest speakers;
- ACT Mosaic Screener for 8th grade students;
- Middle school sports;
- Parent/teacher conferences;
- Chorus updates;
- And FFA updates.
High School Principal Craig Anderson reported on:
- Attendance;
- Music department updates;
- Homecoming week;
- Distance learning updates;
- Class and extracurricular updates;
- Artificial intelligence;
- And fall sports.
District Administrator John Gaier reported on:
- Two thank you notes;
- A DOT notice on an upcoming highway construction project;
- The district’s social media report card;
- An article from the Wisconsin Policy Forum;
- A note from Senator Jesse James;
- An article on the licensure of school administrators;
- And the presentation of a Level 4 WASB Award to Sue Voigt.
The Board also held the Annual Meeting. Mr. Gaier reviewed the proposed budget and answered questions from the floor. A tax levy of $3,996,416 was recommended. The Board also approved the board salaries and per diems at the current rate and to authorize reimbursement for expenses.
The Board also authorized being able to sell or otherwise dispose of all unused, outdated, or obsolete supplies, equipment and materials. The Board also approved authorizing the sale of any property belonging to or not needed by the School District of Neillsville.
Finally, the Board approved setting the Annual Meeting Date for October 21st of 2024. Finally the Board, and residents in attendance, unanimously approved to levy a school tax of $3,996,416 as recommended.
Finally, during a special meeting held after the Annual meeting, the Board approved a Fund 10 levy in the amount of $3,450,000, Fund 39 levy in the amount of $471,416, and Fund 80 levy in the amount of $75,000, for a final tax levy of $3,996,416 for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.