Community Development Head Start Laying Off Employees Affecting Some in the Area
Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 -- 1:00 PM
(Mitchell Skurzewski, WAOW) Community Development Institute Head Start (CDI HS) is laying off employees in the area with Dorchester and Medford the facilities affected the most locally, according to Mitchell Skurzewski.
According to a letter to the Department of Workforce Development: "CDI HS’s interim management of the programs allowed for services to Head Start and Early Head Start-CCP children and families at a time when the local recipient could no longer operate the program. During this interim period, a process was put in place by the Office of Head Start to identify a replacement recipient for this service area."
"CDI HS has been advised that a replacement recipient has been awarded a grant by the Regional Office of the Office of Head Start to provide Head Start/Early Head Start-CCP services in the Northwest Wisconsin area. On September 1, 2023, the administration of the program will be the responsibility of the replacement recipient and no longer the responsibility of CDI HS."
Letters were sent to affected staff members on June 26, according to the letter. According to the letter, CDI HS plans to lay off 48 employees effective the end of August. The biggest area affected is in Rusk County with 15 of 48 being from that area.
Dorchester had seven employees, Neillsville had no current employees and Medford will see five employees laid off. Among the 48 laid off are nine preschool teachers, nine assistant teachers, four cooks, four bus drivers and four family advocates as the top positions impacted by the layoffs.
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