Recent Inspection of Bridge in Greenwood Finds Concerns; Limited to 20 Ton Posting
Friday, June 23rd, 2023 -- 2:00 PM

The CTH G Black River bridge in Greenwood is continuing through the design process.
The hurdle of the bridge being deemed a historic structure is almost complete and additional design tasks can proceed. The bridge is scheduled for the 2025 construction season. Per Federal Bridge Standards this bridge is required to be inspected annually.
The recent inspection found the condition of the gusset plates over the pier to be concerning due to rust. WisDOT and the engineering firm have determined a 20 Ton restrictive load posting must be placed on the bridge until the bridge is replaced.
The Clark County Highway Department has attempted to get the 20 Ton posting increased but have exhausted all possibilities. They have had several conversations with WisDOT and also a private engineering firm.
Clark County Highway will be ordering and placing the signs in the next few weeks. They will be investigating the possibility to repair the gusset plates to determine if that is an option.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.