Marathon County Administrator Remains Optimistic Regarding Shared Revenue
Monday, May 22nd, 2023 -- 8:01 AM
(Mike Leischner, WSAU) Marathon County Administrator Lance Leonhard is remaining optimistic that the shared revenue debate in Madison will come to a favorable conclusion.
He hopes this will give the county another stream of revenue that has more room for growth. "Our revenue streams really haven't grown. There's not an opportunity for growth like there is in other areas and it hasn't kept pace with inflation. And that's the opportunity for revenue to grow over time as the economy prospers. So, getting those two things in allignment is really important."
He says he doesn't want residents to get too excited about more revenue meaning lower taxes or a canceling of the county wheel tax, because there's still several unknowns about how much the county will see and what it can be used for. "There are areas that we've been, to benefit the taxpayers, really making very tough choices that, perhaps now, we can make some very important needed investments in that infrastructure, particularily that roadway structure."
He says counties have been hit considerably hard by both inflation and the limits on their taxing ability. "So, if you look back to 2014 to today, our revenue growth has lagged behind that inflation by more than $5 million we've lost in terms of spending power."
Shared revenue negotiations have taken center stage as the state looks to reserve a percentage of sales tax revenue to be shared with counties and municipalities, but details of the proposal have caused a hang up between the assembly and senate in the last week, and Governor Tony Evers has threatened to veto the bill if it makes it to his desk in its current form.
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