Public Comment Period for Work on Highway 29 in Chippewa and Clark Counties
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 -- 1:00 PM

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is holding a virtual public involvement meeting to obtain input on a proposed improvement project in Chippewa and Clark counties on WIS 29 from 320th Street on the east edge of Boyd east to Koser Avenue.
The public is invited to visit the project website, review a presentation and handout and submit comments. ( Submit by June 1st:
- Email: [email protected],
- Mail: Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 718 W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire, WI 54701, Attn.: Jesse Larson.
The pavement on this segment of WIS 29 is showing signs of deterioration. To address this and other issues, WisDOT plans to:
- Repair the concrete pavement;
- Place 3.75 inches of new asphalt pavement over the existing highway;
- Remove a portion of the existing pavement on the WIS 29 on- and off-ramps at the County H interchange in Stanley and on County H between the east- and westbound ramps and place new asphalt pavement;
- Rehabilitate the structure over Hay Creek east of Boyd;
- Repair culverts as needed;
- Replace guardrail, curb and gutter;
- And Clean ditches.
Construction currently is scheduled for 2026. During construction: WIS 29 will remain open to traffic, but motorists will encounter single-lane closures and a reduced speed limit in the work zone.
The WIS 29 on- and off-ramps at the County H interchange will be closed half at a time, meaning if work is occurring on eastbound WIS 29, the on- and off-ramps from eastbound WIS 29 will be closed.
County H between the ramps will remain open to traffic, but motorists will encounter land closures controlled by flagging during milling and paving operations.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.