Marathon County Sheriff Announces Promotion of Lieutenant to Captain
Monday, February 6th, 2023 -- 8:00 AM

The Marathon County Sheriff had the privilege of announcing to his staff the promotion of Lieutenant Ryan Berdal to the rank of Captain.
Captain Berdal began his new role on February 5, 2023 and oversees the Communications Division. Captain Berdal was hired as a patrol deputy with the Sheriff’s Office on June 9, 2003.
During his nearly twenty-year tenure with the Sheriff’s Office, Captain Berdal served as a patrol deputy, detective, patrol lieutenant and most recently as a lieutenant within the Communications Division.
Captain Berdal oversees the Crash Reconstruction Team and has been instrumental in helping to implement a great deal of technology at the Sheriff’s Office. The Marathon County Sheriff is excited to work with Captain Berdal in this new role.
Please join him in congratulating Captain Berdal on his new role.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.