Thursday, June 8th, 2006 -- 11:13 AM

With new markets in Abbotsford and Owen opening this year, Clark County has six markets to choose from.
?People are looking for a different shopping experience and there?s more interest on the part of people wanting to become vendors, so it?s two-fold,? says UW-Extension Crops and Soils agent Nick Schneider.
On top of the freshness and quality of the produce, many farmers? market shoppers just love the experience of buying directly from a local producer.
?More people are more interested in coming downtown again, rather than just doing everything at a department store. Having that good experience of interacting with your neighbor and getting to know the people that are actually growing your produce,? Schneider says.
The profiles of the producers varies from those that sell for a hobby, to those that have larger-scale operations.
There are currently markets operating in Neillsville, Loyal, Greenwood, Owen, Thorp and Abbotsford; though Schneider says the Loyal and Thorp markets could use some more vendors.
If you?re interested in becoming a vendor, Schneider has put together a packet that has some tips.
?(It) gives you some ideas on pricing, how to set up a nice booth, how to interact with customers,? Schneider says. ?The better experience everyone has at that market, the more successful that?s going to be.?
?You?re not out to compete with guy with the booth next to you, you?re really competing with larger retailers. As a whole, if that market thrives, you have a better chance of thriving,? Schneider explains.
While the markets are now open, it will be a while before everthing comes into season. If you have questions about being a vendor at a Clark County farmers? market, call Nick Schneider at 743-5121.
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