Monday, June 5th, 2006 -- 10:12 AM
Bobbi Jo Wells, formerly Bobbi Jo Hribar (HREE-bahr), was born in Neillsville and still has plenty of relatives here. Bobbi Jo and her husband, Robby, are now expecting quintuplets.
That?s five babies.
They?re becoming celebrities in the Houston area: they've already been featured in newspaper and TV reports.
After having trouble conceiving, the Well?s sought fertility treatment. It was obviously very successful, but Bobbi Jo says it was a ?gradual process?.
?I went to the doctor and they did an ultrasound and found one little dot and went back two days later and there were two dots,? Wells recalls. ?By the next week, there were three dots with three heartbeats ? that three turned into four and so on and so forth.?
?We finally told (the doctor) we weren?t going to come back anymore if he was going to keep adding a baby to the mix,? Wells jokes.
Saying they feared for the babies? and Bobby Jo?s safety, doctors wanted to perform a ?selective reduction? ? but the Wells decided against it.
?The doctors were pretty concerned. They wanted us to do a selective reduction down to two. We dealt with that for about eight weeks. It just wasn?t the right thing ? we didn?t feel at peace about it,? Wells explains. ?We did a lot of praying. We knew we didn?t have the choice to take those babies, that God had given them to us.?
Bobbi Jo?s normal due date is September 20th, but doctors expect to take the babies in July. Everyone?s in very good health, though Bobbi Jo is on mandatory bed rest.
She says the community has been ?coming out of the woodwork? to help. She teaches and her co-workers led a ?diaper drive? that collected over 10,000 diapers ? Bobbi Jo estimates they?ll last around five to six months.
Others have chipped in by supplying meals and hosting baby showers.
The family is also taking donations through their website: [url=http://www.savethewells.net]www.savethewells.net[/url]
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.