Thursday, June 1st, 2006 -- 8:30 AM
Wisconsin is adding 45 lakes, streams and beaches to its list of waterways that don't meet clean water goals for fishing and swimming.A couple area waterways are listed as being ?Impaired? based on pollution standards.
States are required to submit a list of impaired waters biennially to the federal government. Although it sounds like Wisconsin is going backward in water quality, D-N-R water specialist Carolyn Betz says a Great Lakes monitoring program is helping the state get a better handle on dirty waterways.
The D-N-R says of the 45 waters added to the list, nearly half are beaches where increased monitoring in the past few years has turned up bacteria problems. I
n Clark County, the Black River from Hwy 29 to Lake Arbutus has been listed as ?impaired? since 1998. Sherwood Lake, Rock Dam and Lake Arbutus also made the list.
The list is available online at [url=http://www.dnr.wi.gov]The DNR's Website[/url]
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