Monday, May 1st, 2006 -- 12:02 PM

A Wisconsin website sounds it out, from Oconomowoc to Lac Courte Oreilles.
www.Missprouncer.com is the brainchild of Wisconsin Radio Network reporter Jackie Johnson ? who happens to be a Clark County native. It is a great source for the proper pronunciations of everything Wisconsin - and yes, it's pronounced WISconsin.
?People have been e-mailing me saying ?thank you?, ?thank you?, ?thank you?. Because there are so many people that say ?Wes-consin?. As we all know, there?s no ?e? in the pronunciation of our state,? Johnson points out.
Johnson spent months getting the site ready. It includes correct Wisconsin pronunciations for all those tough French and Native American place names, the names of all 132 state legislators and numerous other government officials. Johnson and her site have gotten a lot of media attention.
?I think it?s fantastic. I had hoped to get some sort of attention, I didn?t know at what level it would be. This is fantastic,? Johnson raves.
Johnson has received interview requests from the Associated Press, radio stations in Chicago and even from producers of the Late Show With David Letterman.
On the Web:
[url=http://www.misspronouncer.com]Miss Pronouncer Site[/url]
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