State Republicans Proposing "Medical Freedom" Legislation
Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 -- 1:00 PM
(Bob Hague, WRN) Republican state lawmakers are proposing “Medical Freedom” legislation, in response to what they say is retaliation against some doctors offering alternate coronavirus treatments.
Representative Shae Sortwell says it’s about “letting doctors be doctors.” “We want them to give us their medical opinions. We want their medical opinions to be able to be shared with the public, without fear of retribution.”
Sortwell’s proposal prohibits retaliation against health care professionals for providing a professional opinion. A proposal from Representative Dale Murphy would require pharmacists fill any legally filed prescriptions. “Because that pharmacist I don’t believe really cares one way or another whether that person gets that medication or not. This is being controlled by someone else.”
Dr. Daniel Koster participated in a Wednesday press conference with Republican lawmakers. “We need this legislation to protect science, to protect physicians and other health care providers, and very much to protect each and every one of you. Independent thinking, challenging the status quo, and being able to discuss with patients and colleagues and the public, our views. That’s what we’re fighting for.”
A second, from Representative Mark Murphy, would require pharmacists fill any legally filed prescriptions.
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