Wisconsin's Final Crop/Progress Summary of 2021
Tuesday, November 30th, 2021 -- 8:06 AM

(Wisconsin Ag Connection) With few exceptions, the 2021 crop harvest is now complete.
According to the Wisconsin Ag Connection, that's according to the final crop/progress summary of the year, issued by the Wisconsin Ag Statistics Service on Monday. The agency says topsoil moisture condition levels were rated six percent very short, 20 percent short, 71 percent adequate and three percent surplus.
As of Sunday, all but four percent of the corn for grain was harvested, about 10 percentage points better than the five-year average for Thanksgiving weekend. Moisture content at harvest for grain was reported at 17 percent.
The winter wheat condition is rated at 77 percent good to excellent, which is slightly below last week. And farmers are way ahead of schedule with their fall tillage progress, which is estimated at 90 percent complete. Normally, that's closer to 71 percent at this time of the year.
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