Pittsville FFA Member Recognized as Winner of National FFA Fruit Production Proficiency Award
Thursday, October 29th, 2020 -- 9:03 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -A member of the Pittsville FFA Chapter was recognized as the winner of the National FFA Fruit Production Proficiency Award.During a virtual session of the 93rd National FFA Convention on Wednesday, Tyler Gardner of Pittsville was named as the top honoree after competing against nine other finalists for the award. Gardner works for his family's cranberry production business, where he is involved in cultivar selection, planting, nutrition, harvesting, and distribution of the crop. The operation consists of 1,700 acres of cranberry beds and an additional 10,000 acres of supported land. Tyler also helps lead insect, weed and disease management of the cranberry enterprise.
This isn't the first time Gardner has been recognized on the national level. Last year, he was a national proficiency award finalists in the area of Forest Management & Products. Meanwhile, the National FFA Alumni Convention is also being held online this week, in which Wisconsin's Candie Lehto of Oconto Falls was named as one of three Outstanding Alumni Members in the nation.
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