Neillsville City Council Hears Several Reports
Monday, October 19th, 2020 -- 8:06 AM
-The Neillsville City Council heard the various Committee and Department reports at their meeting last week.Chief of Police Jim Mankowski reported on September 2020 complaints, citations, warnings and business checks. Officer Imm has completed field training and is now working on his own. Also, City Clerk Rex Roehl presented the Third Quarter 2020 Financial Statement. Fire Chief Matt Meyer reported on the Third Quarter 2020. The Department responded to 10 calls with 7 rural including 1 vehicle rollover, mutual aid to Granton for a shed fire, an ATV accident, 2 shed fires, a lawn mower fire and two vehicle accidents. They also had 3 city calls including a cat rescue, electrical smoke and a faulty fire alarm. They also provided units for the 4th of July fireworks, worked on the 2021 budget and attended the Community Fire Hall and Rural Fire Association meetings. He also stated the city’s trucks are in good condition. However, the 1978 International is 42 years old and cannot pass the pump test. The 1995 Freightliner is 25 years old.
Finally, he stated the Firemen’s Steak Feed on October 3rd served 952 steaks and they’ll be helping out as crossing guards for Trick-or Treating on Halloween. Mayor Diane Murphy reported on the September 23rd meeting of the Personnel Committee regarding a closed session on Police Union contract negotiations. The meeting adjourned in closed session. An alderman also reported on the September 28th meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board regarding 2020 activities of the Recreation Department, 2020 activities of the Parks Department, work on and referral of the proposed 2021 Recreation Department budget to the Finance Committee and work on and referral of the proposed 2021 Parks Department budget to the Finance Committee.
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