Clark County Community Foundation's Annual Grant Allocation Program Open Now
Monday, October 5th, 2020 -- 10:07 AM
-The Clark County Community Foundation is pleased to announce its annual Grant Allocation Program is open now.Completed applications from eligible Clark County non-profit organizations will be accepted by the Foundation if received or postmarked by November 16th. Current grant application forms can be obtained from the Foundation’s website at, along with program criteria, organization eligibility, and a list of required information. If your organization does not have access to computers or our website, contact the Foundation at 715.937.6167 and an application will be mailed to you. Grant application funding is provided by the Foundation’s Clark County Community Fund, and various Field of Interest Funds. Depending on the number of qualified applications received and total funds available, the Foundation anticipates awarding grants ranging in amounts from $100 to $1000 each.
The CCCF intends to award at least one grant to each of the following focus areas: Agriculture, Arts/Cultural/Historic, Citizens and Communities, Education, Seniors and Youth. See the 2020 Grant Application for examples of these focus areas and further details. Donations in support of the Foundation’s Grant Allocation Programs are accepted year-round and are greatly appreciated. To request a speaker for your group or organization, or to make a tax-deductible donation, contact us by mail at: Clark County Community Foundation Inc., PO Box 116, Loyal WI 54446, email: [email protected], by phone: 715.937.6167 or website:
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.