Clark County Health Department Offers Safety Tips for Halloween During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Thursday, October 1st, 2020 -- 11:02 AM
-The Clark County Health Department is offering some safety tips for Halloween during the coronavirus pandemic.The Health Department is supportive of trick-or-treating with good community education around safe practices, but they still state that large events and gatherings are not recommended at this time. Some practices that the community can follow include stay home if you’re sick and do not hand out treats if you’re sick; trick-or-treat with people you live with; practice social distancing; wear a face mask that covers your mouth and nose, even under or over any Halloween accessories you may have on; homeowners should distribute candy by putting them in a bucket or bowl on a table or out on the porch, avoid in person contact; use hand sanitizer often; and avoid interaction with high risk groups like the elderly in nursing homes. The Health Department also has signs available that you can print off and post on your door stating you’re not participating in trick-or-treating.
The Clark County Health Department also provided some other Halloween safety tips including examine all treats and wash hands before eating; avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers; make sure children walk on the sidewalk and if they must walk on the road, walk on the correct side; look both ways before crossing the street; carry a flashlight and make sure kids have reflective clothing; wear well-fitting costumes and masks appropriate for the weather; and, again, homeowners can post a sign or turn on their porch light if they are or are not participating in trick-or-treating.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.