Monday, October 17th, 2005 -- 9:20 AM
State Senator Dave Zien is up for reelection next November, and he?ll be challenged by a familiar face. Former TV-13 news anchor Pat Kreitlow announced Saturday he?ll run for the democratic nomination for the 23rd district senate seat."I took the summer off, enjoyed to the hilt and then eventually said this is the way we're going to go," Kreitlow told his supporters.
Kreitlow never mentioned Zien by name, though he made references to the longtime Harley-Riding senator.
"Sit in on a typical floor session in the Assembly or Senate and you'll quickly find yourself asking, 'are there any grown-ups in here?'."
Kreitlow said he considered the run when he quit his job in May, but wanted to think it over, along with other possibilities, before making an announcement. He resides in Eagle Point in Chippewa County. Zien has already filed, and will run for reelection next November.
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