Individual Infected With Coronavirus Stays at Deer View Lodge in Merrillan Over 4th of July Weekend
Tuesday, July 7th, 2020 -- 2:18 PM
-The Clark County Health Department has received notification of a COVID-19 positive individual who was present at the Deer View Lodge, in Merrillan on Saturday, July 4 from 11pm to Sunday, July 5 until 2am and on Sunday, July 5 from 7pm to midnight.While at this establishment, this individual was contagious. This individual resides outside of Clark County and is currently isolating at their home. The likelihood that other patrons were exposed is high. Several close contacts have been identified and are being quarantined and monitored by their respective local health department. Other people in attendance may have also been exposed, but are unable to be identified. We are releasing this statement so members of the public have accurate information. The Deer View Lodge is working closely with the CCHD. The CCHD is encouraging everyone who was present at the Deer View Lodge on the dates and times listed above, to self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days, and consider testing. On 7/1/2020, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services released a new testing recommendation stating individuals who have been in close contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19, regardless of symptoms, should be tested.
Close contact is defined by the DHS as being in direct physical contact (hugging, shaking hands), being within 6 feet of the person for more than 15 minutes (including single encounters of more than 15 minutes OR multiple encounters within a single day adding up to more than 15 minutes), having direct contact with respiratory secretions (coughed/sneezed on, contact with dirty tissue, sharing a drinking glass, food or towels or other personal items), or living with or staying overnight at least one night in a household with the COVID-19 positive person. “COVID-19 has changed the way we all live. Perhaps this virus has not personally affected everyone to date, but likely, it will happen. Now is the time to be extra cautious and limit contact with people residing outside of your home. Until we have a vaccine, this virus will continue to spread; even more so when large groups of people are congregating together,” stated Kelsey Wussow, Clark County Health Department’s Lead Public Health Nurse.
If you have questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, please call the CCHD at 715-743-5105 and press 9 for the COVID-19 line. Daily updates are available on the CCHD Facebook page and on the Clark County website:
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.