Over 10,000 Apply for Wisconsin Farm Support Program
Wednesday, June 24th, 2020 -- 9:15 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -Wisconsin's agriculture secretary says enrollment for the state's very own direct aid program for farmers continues to be extremely active.During Tuesday's episode of the Dairy Signal, which is produced several days a week by the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin, Randy Romanski announced that over 10,000 applications have been submitted online for the $50 million Wisconsin Farm Support Program. "We're glad to see that farmers are applying for the program early," Romanski told the online audience. "I want to encourage people that if they haven't already applied, please make sure you do before the deadline of June 29." The program will provide all $50 million in direct support to Wisconsin farmers who have experienced losses due to COVID-19. Individual payments will range between $1,000 to $3,500 and will be issued in July after the applications have been reviewed and processed.
Producers of any farm commodity who had a gross income between $35,000 and $5,000,000 in 2019 may be eligible to receive funding. Distributions will be determined on a sliding scale based on how much each of the farms earned last year divided by the total number of applicants. Farmers who cannot apply online, as well as Spanish- and Hmong-speaking farmers, should request assistance by calling the Department of Revenue at 608-266-2772. The link to the DOR's application is: https://revenue.wi.gov.
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