Tuesday, August 30th, 2005 -- 11:58 AM
With school set to begin Thursday, the Neillsville school district adopted a budget for the coming year during their annual meeting Monday night.While some of the figures are subject to change, the budget adopted last night would actually decrease the school?s local property tax levy by about $237,000. The tax rate is also projected to decrease from $8.80 to $8.00 per thousand dollars of property. The overall budget increases slightly from $10,280,411 to $10,384,549.
Those in attendance also voted to leave the school board?s salaries and per diems the same for the coming year. Currently, the school board President receives $2,500 per year, the clerk receives $2,300 and the other three members receive $2,100. The board also receives a $100 per diem.
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