Highlights of Presentation Regarding Economic Impact of New Marshfield Medical Center-Neillsville Campus
Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 -- 10:07 AM
-Community leaders and residents were able to hear about the economic impact of Marshfield Medical Center-Neillsville’s new facility at a special presentation last week.Some of the key take-a-ways from the presentation included the importance of MMC-N on the local economy and quality of life, especially given the unique challenges facing rural areas and given that more hospitals are closing than opening. Also, it was stated that, based on the plans of Campus businesses, the new Campus could generate an additional 50-150 new jobs and $2.5 to $8.9 million in additional earnings within the Neillsville, Greenwood, and Granton zip codes as purchases by businesses and employees multiply throughout the area economy. MMC-N, as part of the larger Marshfield Clinic Health System, anticipates a substantial growth in visitor trips and sales, but these services are expected to be supported in part by doctors and employees located at various MCHS facilities under the regional service delivery model. It was also stated that the housing market in the Neillsville area is already tight and the initial analysis within the study suggests that a mix of housing units, both rental and owner, are in demand at various price points. Any new job creation at the new health Campus will create additional demand within the housing market. It was stressed the importance of having housing available for Campus employees so they stay and spend in the community instead of leaving at the end of their day and spending elsewhere.
However, as suggested by the case studies in the report, the construction of the new MMC-N Campus alone will not guarantee additional growth in the immediate or adjacent area, at least in the shorter term. Additional housing development nearby could be one such future opportunity. Stakeholders interviewed during the study suggested that there could be sufficient demand for additional hotel rooms in the area. Finally, it was stated the new Campus will create a very visible gateway to the city that welcomes visitors and gives a perception of economic vitality and a caring community. The study suggests additional planning, including strengthening connectivity and continuing to work together to enhance local quality of life. Partnerships, intergovernmental cooperation, and open communication is important to mitigating potential conflicts, sharing resources, and capturing opportunities provided by the new MMC-N Campus.
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