University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Hosting Farm Succession and Estate Planning, One Session Being Held in Mar
Monday, December 16th, 2019 -- 7:41 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension will host workshops in seven locations next month to provide farmers with information and resources on succession and estate planning.The program will run from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., where attendees will have an opportunity to meet individually with speakers, including attorneys and tax specialists to ask specific questions about their situations. As the average age of U.S. farmers continues to inch upward, the need to plan for the transition of land, livestock, machinery, and management decisions has become a top priority in the U.S. agriculture industry. While the ongoing economic downturn in almost all sectors of agriculture may have dampened the short term outlook for some farms, long term business and estate planning decisions should still be on farm businesses to-do lists.
Follow up meetings will be offered in the host counties in February and March and will be based on feedback from the January workshops' participants. Farms can also request individual meetings with Extension educators and/or specialists or the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture's Farm Center staff. Registration is $20 per person and includes lunch, refreshments, speakers and workshop materials. One workship will be held on January 28th at the Marshfield Ag Research Station.
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