Owen-Withee School Board Discusses Employment Matters and More
Friday, October 25th, 2019 -- 9:38 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board discussed the WASB Regional meeting to begin their meeting on Monday.District Administrator Bob Houts confirmed that Board Members Rick Eloranta, Kim Amacher, Charlie Milliren, Julie Wendler and Angela Greschner have been registered for the WASB Regional Meeting in Wausau, which was held yesterday, Thursday, October 24th. The board also approved a Start College Now application for a student wishing to take courses at CVTC. Courses include English Comp. II, Intro to Psych, Intro to Quickbooks and Payroll Accounting. In employment matters, the board approved the hiring of Mary Meyer to replace Josh Jalling as the head golf coach. They also approved the hiring of Zach Feind as the Head Softball Coach. Zach served as the Assistant Softball Coach last season and moves up to fill the Head job created by Roger Halida’s resignation. Finally, the board approved the hiring Matthew Nordgren as Assistant Softball Coach to fill the vacancy created by Zach Feind moving to the Head Coach position.
The board approved the resignation of Roger Halida as Head Softball Coach. Roger is having both knees replaced this winter and felt continuing in the position would not be possible. The board thanked Roger for his years of committed service to the program. They also approved the esignation of Brian Lewison as the C-Team Boys’ Basketball Coach. The board thanked Mr. Lewison for his many years of service and commitment to the boys’ program. Finally, the board approved recalling Lisa Scheunemann from layoff to fill a need for a special ed school an aide in the elementary.
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