Owen City Council Approves Garbage and Recycling Contract
Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 -- 8:40 AM
-The Owen City Council approved their garbage and recycling contract at their meeting last week.After a presentation, the council approved a 10-year contract with Express Disposal. The cost of the services will be refuse at $8.75 per unit per month and recycling at $3.00 per month, held firm the first two years, then revisited annually for the remainder of the contract with maximum adjustment of 3% per year. Bulky item pickups are included, along with trash service supplied for city parks, city shop and city hall. Also included are dumpsters for special events. The new containers will be delivered to all households prior to the 1st of the year, when the new contract goes into effect. Two of the new garbage containers will be put behind City Hall so people can see them. Also, Cedar Corporation submitted a Construction Services Proposal to the City of Owen regarding the Heartland Rail Spur Water Main. Cedar Corp is to review the design by Heartland’s engineers and provide design recommendations, observe construction and attend required governing agency meetings at a cost not to exceed $3,500.
As this is Heartland’s Rail Spur, the cost of this proposal will be forwarded to them. The council approved the payment to Cedar Corp of $3,500 for the Construction Services Proposal with the cost then being billed to Heartland. Finally, it was mentioned that at the suggestion of the city’s building inspector, the information regarding the two properties the city wishes to raze or repair, the house at 319 E 2nd St and the building at 141 E 4th St, has been forwarded to the city’s lawyer and they are awaiting his reply.
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