Wisconsin Potato Production
Sunday, September 15th, 2019 -- 6:53 AM
Wisconsin potato production totaled 27.1 million hundredweight last year, down nine percent from 2017 production levels.The latest USDA Potato Summary shows that state growers planted 69,000 acres of spuds, down 2,000 acres from the year prior. Harvested acres were reported at 67,500, down 3,000 acres from the previous season. And average yield per acre was down from 425 cwt. to 405 cwt.
Meanwhile, prices were also off a little last year at $10.50 cwt., down by 40-cents for the year. Total value of production of the Wisconsin potato crop was down from $324 million in 2017 to $285 million in 2018. (Wisconsin Ag Connection)
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