Owen-Withee School Board Hears Preliminary Info on 2019-20 Budget
Sunday, September 15th, 2019 -- 6:49 AM
The Owen-Withee School board heard some preliminary information on the 2019-20 budget at their meeting on Monday.District Administrator Bob Houts presented to the board information regarding the district’s revenues and expenditures for the 2019-20 budget. Revenues will be $400,000 higher than in the 2018-19 school year. Also, it was stated that Don Schindler and Kathy German-Olson have been selected for induction into the Hall of Fame this fall. The induction ceremony will be held on Friday, September 20th, just prior to the Homecoming Assembly at about 1:30pm. Mr. Houts also presented the insurance options for 2019-20. An increase in their Worker’s Compensation insurance will be offset by a decrease in their property insurance. The total cost of insurance will be $69,500. Finally, the junior class has voted to have the 2020 Prom at a site that is not only off school grounds, but out of the District as well. The Quonset Hall was chosen as the site. Because of its location, administration felt is best if the board was made aware of the site and had an opportunity to discuss it. Discussion revolved around some liability concerns and some traditions, but overall the board did not disapprove of the location.
The board also heard the Administrators’ Reports. Elementary Principal Lance Batchelor reported on the successful Open House held on August 22nd and the “Highly Encouraged” summer school held the last week of August. Friday, September 13th was the 33rd Annual Grandparents’ Day celebration from 1:30 ??"2:30. Finally, Picture Day will be on Wednesday, September 18th. Middle School/High School Dean of Student Julie Van Ark reported on the 6th and 7th grade orientation as well as the open house for all students. Home coming will be the week of September 16th-21st and Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on October 7th Mr. Houts reminded board members of the district passes that were at their spots for the board meeting. Elementary teachers received kudos for their implementation of the ARC program this fall and the board was made aware that Mr. Houts will be at the WASDA state Conference September 18th-20th.
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