Marshfield Parks, Rec and Forestry Committee Approves Smoking Ban in Parks
Friday, September 13th, 2019 -- 10:59 AM
(Marshfield News Herald) -A ban on smoking in all city-owned parks received unanimous approval Wednesday during a meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Committee.The committee also voted to recommend the City Council create an ordinance to ban smoking in the parks, which would allow police to help enforce the policy. The current policy only prohibits smoking in certain parks and areas. Parks and Recreation Director Justin Casperson said in a city memo that the department frequently receives complaints of people smoking near playgrounds and spectator areas. Discarded cigarette butts also cause damage to the environment, are a health risk to children and animals, and have to be removed using city resources, Casperson said. The new policy prohibits smoking in all parks, including Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield Fairgrounds, Hefko Pool, Wildwood Park and Zoo, Strohman Park, the Eighth and Hemlock property, Benedict Park, Braem Park, Columbia Park, Connor Park, Forest Ridge Park, Grant Park, Griese Park, Hamus Nature Preserve & Recreation Area, Hardacre Park, Northern Hills Park, Pickle Pond Outdoor Ice Rink, Praschak Wayside picnic area at Wildwood Park, the Steve J. Miller Recreation Area, Veterans Park and Joe & Bernadine Weber's Nature Park.
The policy also applies to trails and cemeteries, as well as the Second Street and Oak Avenue community centers and Wildwood Station. Smoking is defined in the policy as "inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, weed, plant or other combustible organic or chemical substance." Also prohibited under the new policy is the use of any "vapor device." The policy now moves to the City Council for approval.
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